Set Up a Conference Tab

This section explains procedure to set up and edit a conference. You can set up and schedule a conference type to meet your specific needs. Select from the following three conference types:


To create a conference

  1. From the Set Up a Conference tab, select the conference type.

  2. Edit the conference information on the conference form.

The One-time, Recurring, and Reservationless conference forms include these four panels. An error message appears if you do not complete the required information when you create or edit a conference:


  1. Click OK to create the conference. The Conference Details tab with Access Information for the conference is displayed.


To view or edit a conference

  1. From the My Conferences Tab, the current conferences list will appear.

  2. Click the conference name to view details for that conference. The conference form appears.

  3. Click Change Details.

  1. Update the information, and then click OK to save the changes.


To extend a conference

  1. From the My Conferences Tab, the current conferences list will appear.

  2. Click the conference name to view details for that conference. The conference form appears.

  3. Click Change Details.

  4. To extend the conference:

    1. For a reservationless conference, change End Date.

    2. For a recurring conference, change Start Date.

 NOTE: Maximum length of reservationless and recurring conferences is 26 weeks (as set by the administrator).

  1. Click OK to save the changes.


To view expired conferences

Just before the conference ends, if the End of Conference Prompting (EOCP) feature has been set, the system alerts you that the conference will end soon and provides an opportunity to extend it.

Related Topics:

Password Protected Conference

My Conferences Tab

Conference-Related Tasks